Month: April 2018

Spending log, day 3

Made giant pot of coffee at home to resist the lure of the Starbucks siren… debated long-term savings of ditching Vitamin Water, then decided to cut down to part-time and see how that goes. Total spending: $34.86 for one grocery run

Spending log, day 2

The second day of this experiment brought a surprise – toilet seat shuffled off its mortal coil this morning. After a chiropractor appointment (included in today’s log), I braced myself for an economical trip to Tarzhey (cue angelic choir). Suppose I could’ve gone to the hardware store instead, but that place is honestly just as

About The Agent

The Agent is a 30-something worker bee looking for early retirement in the (metaphorical) couch cushions of big-time frugality. The Agent is also a long-time Tarzhey devotee with an absurd love of kitchen gadgets and mid-century design… so this is a serious departure from previous lifestyle choices/comfort zone. Economic Agent will serve as means of